
Awesome Adult Travel

Somwhere, across the sea…

One of my favorite things to do is travel. I love to explore new places, see new sites, meet new people and have new experiences. Travel can broaden the mind and lift the soul. And as much as I love going new places, I also enjoy returning to places I love. Awesome adult travel is about enjoying wherever you go.

As I have gotten older, the places I want to travel and the ways I want to travel have changed. So, I’ll be blogging about travel from the perspective of us awesome and sassy adults. FYI, I hate the terms “older adults” and “seniors”, so from now on I will be referring to us as “Awesome Adults”. I like that much better, don’t you? As “Awesome Adults” we no longer need to be concerned with things like “is it child-friendly”, “do they have chicken nuggets because that’s all my child will eat?” and “is there a quiet place for naps?” To be honest, I love chicken nuggets and naps, but you get the point. Our needs and wants are different now.

A Change in Perspective

When I was younger, I would try to jam pack in as much as I could on a trip. I had an itinerary, a large coffee and a long list of what we were going to do each day. Back then, I also had the energy and adrenaline to keep going well into the night. Well I’m still a night owl, but I don’t rush around anymore. I like to savor the experience. I like to sit and take in my surroundings. People-watching is one of my favorite activities. You can learn alot about a place by just watching the people who live there. I strike up conversations with strangers. I eat where I want and when I want, and my meals no longer include a plastic toy.

There’s the practical side. I need to know that there are clean restrooms and how far away there are. Is there a place to sit and rest, and is it in the shade? How noisy is the place? While I can still go until 4 am, I prefer not to. And if I am still up, I want it to be my choice and not because the people around me are so loud I cannot sleep. Do they have good coffee? I have been known to do a Google search to see if there is a Starbucks in the area. I need my coffee! What are the transportation options? Do I need a car? Are there side walks or walking paths? I can lose my balance on uneven terrain.

Then there’s the fun side. We can travel during the school year, when prices, and crowds, are lower. Sometimes there’s even discounts for Awesome Adult travel. We can enjoy exotic drinks and other cocktails. I did a tequila and margarita tasting on my last cruise on the Disney Wonder. It was amazing! I was a little tipsy, as its been decades since I had 5 shots of tequila in one day. Actually, I’m not sure I ever had 5 shots of tequila in one day, but here’s to trying new things!

Tequila and Margarita tasting on the Disney Wonder.
Tequila and Margarita tasting on the Disney Wonder.

Sailing, across the sea…

Of all the ways to travel, cruising in my favorite. I love the gentle rocking of the sea. Sitting in a lounge chair on the pool deck or deck 4 is so relaxing. There’s something almost hypnotic about watching the sea. The convenience factor is a real plus too, especially for us Awesome Adults. Think about it – you unpack once, you know where you are going to eat each day, food is always available and your entertainment options are only a deck or two away. There’s plenty to do for both kids and adults. Or you can do nothing at all but sit in the sun. The restaurants are usually very good, and you can have as much food as you like. On the last night of our Christmas cruise last year, the teens at our table, including my daughter, ordered all 5 of the dessert options at dinner. Amazingly, they ate them all too.

All 5 desserts.
Yes, you can order all of the desserts at dinner on a cruise..

Awesome Adult Travel Bucket List

As we live in Texas, most of our cruises sail from Galveston, but we have cruised from Florida too. Cruising through Europe and a Panama Canal cruise are on my bucket list, as is traveling to Asia, but that’s not going to happen this year. I’d also like to travel to all 50 states. At last count I had been to 26, so I’m halfway there. Where do you want to visit? Exotic locations, that mountain retreat or maybe a white sandy beach? Let me know what’s on your Awesome Adult travel wish list.

Mountains or the beach?? What’s on your travel wish list?