
Getting Your Flu Shot is Easy Peasy

Flu Fighter - getting your flu shot is easy peasy!
Getting your flu shot is easy peasy!

Did you get your flu shot? Its November. Now is the time! Don’t put it off. Its so important to get your flu shot. And getting your flu shot is easy peasy! I’m here to show you just how easy peasy it is. Check out the video below of me getting my flu shot this year.

Its easy, its quick and its practically painless!

Its easy! You don’t need to go to the doctor to get your flu shot. I got mine at Walgreen’s. Pharmacies, grocery stores, even big box stores like Walmart and Target can give you your flu shot. One year I got my flu shot at Sam’s. Look around you. Chances are there’s a place to get your flu shot within 5 miles of your home.

Its quick! I think it took a total of 10 minutes to check in at the pharmacy, sign the paperwork and get our flu shots. The shot itself takes less than a minute.

Its practically painless! In fact, this year my flu shot was totally painless. Its hard to tell with my mask on, but I didn’t feel a thing. In past years I have felt a slight pinch. But given the choice between a 2-3 second pinch and 5 days of flu misery, I will take the pinch all day, any day!

Its not expensive. Most insurance plans cover your flu shot costs, as do Medicare and Medicaid. If you have insurance, you should have no out-of-pocket costs. If you don’t have insurance, the flu shot should cost between $30 – $40, but many cities and counties offer free flu shots to residents. Check with your local health department.

You need a flu shot!

This year it is not just the flu we need to worry about.  This year we have COVID-19. Healthcare systems could be overwhelmed treating both patients with flu and patients with COVID-19. This means getting a flu vaccine during 2020-2021 is more important than ever.  Do you want to be in a hospital full of COVID patients?  I know I don’t!  And while getting a flu vaccine will not prevent COVID, it can save healthcare resources for the care of patients with COVID-19. And, in case you were wondering, it is possible to have the flu and COVID at the same time.  Its 2020. It could happen.  Don’t take any chances!  Protect yourself.  Protect others.  Get your flu shot, and stay healthy!

You think you’re good because you got a flu shot last year?  Not so!  Flu viruses are constantly changing, so flu vaccines are different each year.  Last year’s shot may not protect you. Also, your protection from a flu vaccine declines over time. You need a flu shot every year.

Protect Yourself With a Flu Shot

According to the CDC, everyone 6 months of age and older should get a flu vaccine every season, especially people at high risk. The best way to protect yourself and your loved ones against influenza ( the flu) is to get a flu vaccine every flu season. Flu is a contagious respiratory disease that can lead to serious illness, hospitalization, or even death.

Additionally, getting vaccinated yourself may also protect people around you, including those who are more vulnerable to serious flu illness, like babies and young children, older people, and people with certain chronic health conditions. Protect yourself. Protect your family. Go get your flu shot, its easy peasy.

Watch Mama Dee get her flu shot

Check out this video of me getting my flu shot. You’ll see for yourself that getting your flu shot is easy peasy.