
It’s October!

In many parts of the country, Fall is settling in.  I love Fall!  Cooler temperatures (which in Texas means 80’s instead of high 90’s), leaves changing colors, pumpkins, and Fall Festivals.  It’s also the start of Flu Season.  And the best time to get your flu shot!

I make it a priority to get my family our flu shots every year.  Somehow, last year I missed it.  I got the kids their shot, but something happened and I didn’t get mine.  I think I was going to get it at the local drug store when they were having a promotion. I remember going to the store, but I think they had run out of flu shots.  But in my mind, I had gone to get the shot, so I in my mind I had the flu shot.  Except that I didn’t. So, of course I got the flu.  We took a cruise last Christmas, and in addition to souvenirs, gifts and wonderful memories, I brought home the flu.  I was miserable.  Everyone else was fine because they actually had their flu shot.  I developed bronchitis and a raging fever in addition to the flu.  I was dizzier than a drunk on a Tilt-A-whirl. I was sick for weeks. I will NEVER make the mistake of not getting a flu shot again.

My personal painful experience aside, the flu is no laughing matter.  According to the CDC, over 200,000 Americans are hospitalized each year with complications from the flu, and in the 2017 – 2018 season, an estimated 80,000 people died.  Seniors are especially vulnerable.  People over 65 account for 50 to 75 percent of flu related hospitalizations, and 70 to 85 percent of seasonal flu-related deaths.  Don’t become one of these statistics!  Right now, flu shots are available everywhere you look – at drug stores, most supermarket pharmacies, our local elementary school PTA is even offering flu shots at the next PTA meeting.  Many work places even provide free flu shots for employees.  The time to get your flu shot is now, as it takes about 2 weeks to build up full immunity. 

The annual flu shot is the #1 way to prevent getting the flu. The CDC recommends everyone over 6 months old get a flu shot.  Despite popular myths, the flu shot cannot give you the flu. So there, you have no more excuses!  I’m getting my flu shot this week.  Join me in committing to getting your flu shot.  Do it for yourself.  Do it for your family. Do it now. Protect your health this winter.

One last note, if you do get the flu, call your doctor asap! You need to see the doctor right away to get meds.  Tamiflu is amazing in treating the flu, but you need to take it within 48 hours. This is also true if one of your family members gets the flu. Get everyone else in the house on meds before the symptoms start.  And then get back to enjoying October!

One Comment

  • Lisa Tinsley

    Flu shots are VERY important, especially as we all get older. I will remind you this year 😁