
We’re becoming 60andSassy!

A new name and a new focus.

We're celebrating our morphing into 60 and Sassy!

You may have noticed we’ve been MIA since before the holidays. Alot happened during that time, but now we’re back and better than ever! Our website is changing to “60andSassy” to reflect the changes in our lives and the change in our focus.

I’ll skip all the drama and issues we’ve been dealing with for the past few months, as it all seems to be over now. However, due to some recent events, we’ve basically decided to retire in Florida. Several friends are moving there, some are already there and we have family that have winter homes there. So the quest has come to and end. I have some time before I retire though, so I am still open to suggestion. So if you know of a great small town in a warm weather locattion, please let me know!

Moving forward…

Since the retirement location question has basically been answered, Where Should Mama Retire is morhphing into 60 and Sassy, a lifetstyle and travel blog for seniors. I’ve always been sassy, perhaps a little too sassy – just ask my family and anyone I’ve ever worked for. 🙂 The blog had been heading in that direction. We just took the steps to make it official. The new website is For now, both and should bring you here.

Not all that long ago, 60 was considered old. That’s not the case anymore. 60 isn’t the end of your life, its the beginning of the next chapter. And I’m here to blog about all the amazing opportunities that beckon. I got a new video camera for Christmas from my daughter, and I’ll use it to record our adventures, our travel, our friends and even our fails. And pets. Expect many posts and pics on pets. Our pets. Our friends’ pets. Even pets we don’t know but think are adorable.

Morphing into 60 and Sassy wore this kitty out!

We’ll approach it all from an active adult perspective. I love roller coasters, but I also want to know where the shady benches are. And some days were just meant for sitting on the couch with the fur babies. My bucket list is long, and grows each day. Where Should Mama Retire is morhphing into 60 and Sassy. I’m ready to seize the day and see where it takes me. Buckle up and join me. Its bound to be a bumpy ride!


  • D'Ann

    Good luck with the new brand! I’m sort of on the same mission – to let people know that post 50 doesn’t equal “life on the downswing” but a new kind of freedom and fun – mostly drama-free!

  • val selby

    Yeah, so many years of fun still ahead! Every decade has been better than the last. Big, sad things happen of course, but I’ve made such awesome changes that it’s no longer my focus to dwell on the yuck I can’t change. I’m in my last few years of 40’s and my friends in their 50’s have been rocking it <3

    Congrats on figuring out a retirement spot. We're 6-10 years from hubby retiring and aren't sure where we will move to yet. Some of the decision will be based on where the kids are at that point lol

  • Alice

    Looking forward to reading your blog. I’m just starting my 60’s and was looking for blogs on the subject. I’m not retired yet but am looking forward to it when I turn 62 in August or at least go part time.